When Bief and bere start talking English, it can mean two things, they pretend to be tourists to avoid showing ID to the Dutch police, or they want to give a shout out to Sjors from Concourse Records. Bief en bere are down with Sjors, although they are a bit confused by the fact that Sjors doesn’t eat meat of watches Premier League Football. It’s all good Sjors.
Sjors his real name is George, but we prefer the Dutch version of George, Sjorski! Itchiban Irie Rubadub Styleee, fresh!
And for all you English cats out there, Bief en bere means Bearsuit and Balaclava..Fresh for 88!
So right about now ladies and gentlemen it’s Sjors time, the hardest workin’ man in record bizz! Bief and bere are very proud to see their favorite record seller in the UK actually making a living out of selling records. Bief and bere always have hard times like Baby Huey when it comes to selling records, they prefer buying them. Which we can, because as you all know Bief and bere are victims of corporate slavery. Which is a bad thing obviously, but the good thing is that they do receive maaaaad cash every month which they can spend on records and beer(pilsener). Bief en bere like to buy records from Sjors, despite the fact that the Pound Sterling is a nasty currency! But, as you all know, Bief and bere are financial masterminds! Recognize gwatagwan seen! They would never pay too much! So all you Dutch viewers of the B&B super blog check out www.concourserecords.com and look through all them classic cuts Sjors has to offer!
That’s all for today clowns, you favorite corporate slaves are out for lunch!